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The Place to get your eyebrows threaded


Here at Brow & Beauty, we want to help those facing the side effects of hair loss due to the treatment of Cancer.

That’s why we offer Digital Micro blading (semi permanent makeup brow tattoos) to those pre or post chemo for a smaller price we can afford.

For those looking to start, currently undergoing (with permission from oncologist) or recently completed chemotherapy or radiotherapy.  

You will be offered a free consultation agreeing your perfect look, measurements and colour before any procedure begins, and making sure you achieve a natural result to suit you and your individual style.

To achieve your perfect brows your first stage will be to discuss in detail what you are looking for.

Together we will decide what colour, shape and enhancements you are looking for to achieve your desired brows.

We can either add a few hairs to your current brows to naturally enhance them or we can work to restructure your brows by lifting and replacing any absent hairs to define your current shape. We can also create completely new brows for those who have completely lost them for various reasons.

We can also help with eyelash loss by adding a small natural eyeliner to the top lid, bottom lid or both. It can give the illusion of full eyelashes whilst they are missing.

New Eyebrow Enhancement from £180 (price includes 2 treatments)

Eyeliner from £100.

Reconstruction Beauty for Cancer & Alopecia Patients.

Doing what we can to help you through your treatments.